This has to be by far, the most inspiring book I have ever read.
Reading about one man’s inspiring and tremendous journey, that saw him build schools in what is, arguably, one of the most poverty stricken and cut off areas of the world, makes you want to stand up and salute.
Greg Mortenson is a true hero. The book, beautifully written, in the simplest of terms by journalist David Oliver Relin, sees you through Mortenson’s beginnings, life and ultimately what became his obsession—building schools for children in remotest regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
His spirit and undying devotion to education as a means to better the conditions of life and its ways in such hostile conditions and cultures makes you wonder, as an individual, where the courage of your convictions can take you. What stays with you long after the book has ended, is a strong belief that no matter how many wars are fought for whatever reason, the only means to a peaceful solution anywhere comes through education and tolerance.
You almost “whoop” in delight when you feel the joy of first time students clinging on possessively to their new shiny notebooks. Education, in its truest meaning isn’t just learning how to read and write. It is the opening up of the mind to ideas and possibilities of cultures, languages, people and beliefs. At the very core of this, is the faith, that through educating children, the generation that will come forth, will have an open-mind and better chances at improving their lives, when compared to the generation of their parents.
I strongly recommend this book to everyone. It is a life changing book.
Thank you Greg Mortenson, for making the world a better place, one school at a time.
Also please visit to find out more about this education project and how you can help. Pass this on to everyone you know. Every gigantic revolution always begins with silent and small steps.
One more book to the mountain awaiting reading ;)
But this is by far the most powerful and honest book review i read on a blogger's site recently.
Will read and give you a call ;)
Thanks my dearest weird! :)
I will wait for that call!
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